I call this Photo "movie star" because I've always felt that even in her simplicity she always looks camera ready. The soft lighting was perfect in this shot, it was shot in portrait mode
I love this photo because she may be small in stature but her presence takes up more than the photo. The lighting in this shot looked more like natural light than hard, soft, or artificial.
The light was settling perfectly on half of her body, to me this gave me a two tone look, between natural and hard
As you can see he fills up the shot, this was to intentional to express his larger than life in-person personality, the lighting in this shot was very hard and it shows just beside him on the floor
This was a way to shot angles, and motion, as the class was very active at this point taking lots of raw photos
I like this shot because of the play on lighting here, its a different POV from the next shot but the lighting is softer here, and she smiles a bit
My favorit shot, Mrs. Miriam playing the piano, I felt like I was witnessing a real magical moment, and the lighting was perfect in this room, the lighting was hard from the waist down, this does not give a natural lighting look, almost like there is an artificial light in front of the piano